2021 was a big year for Joe/Frank – finishing Uni, getting his first full time professional job and a whole bunch of other exciting adventures!
2021 review:
1. Find a full-time job
Mission accomplished! Somehow this was surprisingly easy.
2. Start looking at learning how to get “independent transport” (i.e. learning to ride a bike or drive)
No. Hoping to make progress here in 2022.
3. Cook dinner 7 times per month
No. Progress earlier in the year but derailed by new job + Covid
4. Do one social activity per month
Some Covid factors made it tough but progress was made here so….maybe?
5. Try a lesson/class to learn something new
Partially, drama class early in the year.
And for 2022:
1. Learn a form of independent transport
2. Make plans for a big holiday at some point in the year.
3. Make 12 new dishes this year.
4. Start participating in a form of sport/exercise activity.
5. Start making plans for independent living.
(me: that last item is a bit huge!)
Joe/Frank’s previous not-resolutions: