wcoic 2014

we now move to the large-buidings-against-the-sky section of the Hobart travel pix

Currently sitting quietly and peacefully on the bed with the laptop and surrounded by kitties, while the gents of ThePalace(OfLove) are downstairs watching (ugh!) rugby league. I thought it best to remove myself because my contribution would be shouting at the commentary team about how utterly loathsome they are and how ghastly the game is &etc. This is much more pleasant for everyone.

my ladies

We’ve really fallen off the meal-planning and shopping wagon in recent months. I think this was possibly influenced by the move to a fortnightly grocery shop – much more tolerable, but harder to plan for and many perishables … perish … before the end of 2 weeks. And so we end up buying things during the week, raiding the freezer and doing emergency staples shops. We made a trip after work this evening to stock up on a few things (and experienced the most dreadful drive home – horrid traffic, 2 broken down cars, tiny black dogs running straight at the car in dark alleyways …), but will probably need to go out on the weekend to buy actual food. I think we will have to reassess this approach as we actually spend more time in supermarkets than we did when we were shopping weekly.

If you’ve been around for a while, you may remember that during the last World Cup, we chose a meal from one of the countries playing each day (with a number of esoteric rules, as is our way). It was really excellent and we found a number of fantastic meals that are now in the regular repertoire.

This year we’ll be doing it all again, this time with the excellent Joe/Frank co-ordinating. After dinner this evening we sat down with a list of the games and discussed how we’d make selections, this proved all very difficult and over-complicated, until Joe/Frank advised he’d already done much of the thinking for us and had chosen the preliminary countries in advance. Next up is researching recipes.

If anything is going to shake us from the meal-planning rut, it will be this!

4 thoughts on “wcoic 2014

    • It’s really very tempting, but so conflicting because we very much try to support the independents and mostly avoid Coles and Woolies.

      I’m sure we’d be converted once we tried it!

    • We saw that last evening and were all “nooooooo”.

      We have vowed to avoid those recipes.

      I probably shouldn’t find him as aggravating as I do, rather over the whole Jamie Oliver everything everywhere – he’s just done a deal with one of the larger supermarket chains and just about every product has a Jamie-branded variation, though I’m not sure if I imagined the Jamie paper towels …

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