is it over yet?

This afternoon saw the Team Feast christmas luncheon and then a whole lot of running about trying to get some shopping in. I’m frankly rather glad that I do not have a whole lot of people to buy for anymore, I really hate this whole “buy stuff” thang. Fortunately my sprogs are not all that demanding and really just want clothes and books etc (dfkan covets 1980s dvds rather than clothing).

Thankfully, I managed to score several clothing-type presents for Joe/Frank which are not to be found in the city. Hurrah! I think this means that I do not have to return to Broadway shopping centre any time soon – the thought of which is delightful.

I also managed to find a gift for my rather difficult-to-buy-for Aunt and Grandfather (the only extended family I will purchase giftage for). It is a rather lame hamper of goodies, but lord knows if someone gave me a hamper of goodies I’d be damn happy. Of course it means that I have to pack it and send it express post tomorrow (which will undoubtedly cost a small fortune, but at this point I care not for costs!). This evening will be spent by writing an accompanying letter (while Don is out at the EasternSuburbsPowerDrinkers christmas party) – thank gods for the nice bottle of wine I have to help me through the ordeal (1.5 A4 pages should do nicely).

Despite agreeing that tix to the Arcade Fire and LCD Soundsystem would be our christmas gifts, we are total suckers and bought ourselves a DSLR.

Tomorrow is the last day at Marie Celeste until 2 January (we’re being forced to take Annual Leave on Christmas Eve and the gap between Christmas + New Year). I’ll need the break to mentally prepare for our new Internet and Email Monitoring Policy, which kicks in on the first day back.

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