While I was at yoga last Saturday morning, Don, who is all broken from trying to power-up his golf swing, went to an open for inspection for a place that meets our expectations.

He did not find it objectionable, so we have hooked up a time for me to view tomorrow morning.

In the interim, we have been discussing our wants, and we arrived at the conclusion that dream haus, though $100K more than the property in question, was probably the place for us and we could possibly wear the additional $100K under an enormous deal of sufferance and give Princess almost what she wanted.

Nice haus

Today, after sending a link to lovely Imaginary Internet Friend, I discovered that dream haus had been sold.

Whereupon I became Terribly Sad.

Truly, I believed that TheUniverse would look kindly upon me and gift haus to us after a lengthy struggle over the multiple of y.

Clearly not.

People with fragile mental health might see this as confirmation that they do not deserve to own lovely homes. Sensible people with all their stuff together would be pleased that they can even consider buying such a place.

I will leave it as an exercise to the reader as to which is the current state of my head.

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