view from a couch

There’s been quite a good deal of activity going on about the haus of late – rather like a claytons renovation1. We’ve been building and reconstructing and mixing it all up, but that is for another, longer, post (which may be posted later this evening).

It should come as no surprise that I am off to hospital on Thursday for (as our lovely Comms Manager refers to it) secret women’s business. There will be mucho recovery time involved, so we’ve re-purposed the claytons renovations cast-offs into a little recovery nest.

recovery couch

view from recovery couch (fairly sure the kitchen rug will not be draped over the chairs when I’ll be laying about).

books to enjoy on recovery couch

I could have chosen Improving Books, but in the end we all know that mystery/crime makes everything better! I raided the local library and came up with some options I knew would work (the Kathy Reichs – thanks Mom!) and then, by golly(!), who knew there were craft-genre mystery/crime series?!?!

Am now armed with a knitting mystery/crime novel, a candle-making mystery/crime novel and am disappointed that I do not have the scrap-booking mystery/crime novel I thought I had added to the borrowing pile.

Oh! And a Clive – for he is totally my main man.

Hopefully the fabulous, sparkly weather will hold out and I’ll not be confined to the indoors!

1The renovation you have when you’re not having a renovation.

3 thoughts on “view from a couch

  1. Good luck, Carol (is that the right thing to say – I hope it is, and if it isn't, I hope you know what I mean which is just that I wish you a speedy recovery and that afterwards you never have to feel so bad as you have been feeling again)

  2. Thanks both!

    TC, if it's wrong, I don't want to be right!

    CB, went for unfluffy slippers – utterly loathe having too-warm feet, but am sure I'll run out of books, so thanks for the suggestion.

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