The most excellent ganching commented on the last post:
I am intrigued by your bedroom window comment. How has replacing your windows improved the view?
The old windows were this really strange type of double glazing, there was quite a big gap between the panes and they were sealed-not-sealed. This meant you couldn’t access for cleaning, but also meant that *stuff* like bugs could get inside, and exciting cultures of mould and mildew could take hold. The opening itself was quite tiny, so impossible to access the outside for cleaning (it’s quite high up).
I hope the improved water-tightness is as spectacular as the improved view.
What a cracking view! The windows look fab.
Huge congrats on your 4 year anniversary too đŸ™‚
Shauna! Thank you <3
The windows are definitely a worthwhile use of the $ that we didn't use on our three planned trips.
It all makes sense now!
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Such a pleasure to look out the window now! Though still coming to terms with the Bright Light (full sun all morning) and how best to cover it
I’ve lived through replacing windows in two houses, and it always results in a significant improvement to quality of life (though at the expense of quantity of bank balance).
So good – already are eyeing the remaining three windows on the other side of ThePalace(OfLove)