april review (has there ever been a more uninspired title?)

Almost a week into May, but closing the loop on those April intentions – mostly because Future Me will be annoyed to look back and see that I didn’t.

+ yoga 3x per week
Partial – made it to 2 per week, which I’m hoping to stick with for this term. I’ve decided that I need to stop waiting to be passionate and enthusiastic about attending yoga and just show up – rather in the manner of how I approach SML.

+ exercise bike 3x per week
Started strong, tailed off to nothing. After an initial burst of enthusiasm, we’ve all ignored the bike. This comes as no surprise to anyone.

+ no more SML biscuits – such a waste of calories
YES! Resistance even in the face of iced vovos.

+ renew chocolate ban – moderation is impossible
YES! Clearly self-banning is the only way to do this.

+ complete Total Japanese CDs 5 and 6
Partial – completed 5 and a little of 6. I have a listening routine on the way to SML – disrupted by those magical 10 days off.

+ finish to end year 10 in the endless embroidery (currently at year 8)
YES! Holy goodness I might just complete this by June!

+ get out into the neighbourhood more
Partial – need to do more, but walked about a little during the holiday. I spend way way too much time indoors – needs to stop.

+ intermittent fasting 3x per week
Partial – Easter put paid to this! Far (far) too many hot cross buns consumed.

+ actually use the teeth whitening kit I paid a small fortune for at the dentist over 6 months ago
ABANDONED. Ouch. Never again.

+ buff ghastly nails 1x per week – because they really are ghastly
YES! They are still ghastly (so many ridges and white patches) – but slightly less so. Clearly needs to be a long-term project.

+ embrace the analogue – use laptop, tablet and phone with purpose and shut down after use
YES! Surprisingly pretty good with this. It’s appears to be quite good for the mental health. I’m currently running with the entirely unoriginal theory that while the Information Superhighway used to be a delightful escape from Real Life, this has very much flipped in the last 10 years and now Real Life is the escape.

+ meditate on non-yoga mornings
YES! Still don’t know if it is effective, but good use of time while waiting for the coffee to brew.

+ blog minimum 4x per week
NO! And all that holiday time at my disposal too.

+ read minimum 4 books over the Easter break
ALMOST! I read two library books. I (re)listened to a whole lot more – the very fluffy and very comforting Cherringham from start to end.

All up – not an entirely bad result.

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