My April reset met with varying levels of success, which I’ll report on in another post, but it was successful enough that I’ve decided I’ll give it another crack in May:
+ Yoga 2x per week | practice headstand 5x days
+ Meditate 5x mornings per week
+ Exercise bike 3x per week
+ Eating: intermittent fasting 3x days | no work biscuits | no chocolate | fruit-only dessert during week
+ 2 dates with Don
+ complete Total Japanese CDs 6 and 7
+ Endless embroidery: complete years 11 and 12
+ Knitting: finish cowl (have changed pattern) | knit tension squares for planned jumper – I know, I said I would never attempt a jumper again (remind me of this when I abandon the project)
+ 2x lunchtime visits to MCA (Project Sulfur has relocated to the good end of town – there is no excuse not to visit)
+ blog 4x per week
+ attend to ghastly nails 1x per week
Should be enough to be going on with, but not enough to be insurmountable. Sadly no magical 10 days off to accomplish some of the more meaty items, but we’ll see how it goes.