This is my extremely speckledy back. Those many many freckles are largely the result of a mis-spent youth lying on the beach covered in all manner of oils in pursuit of a tan. My arms and chest are similarly spotted, but the remainder of me less so.
Of course now being elderly and more sensible, I try to be good about sun protection, but sometimes careless application of sun-screen results in horrible sunburn like that shown in the photo, obtained during a beach walk in Vietnam.
Inside the green circle is the large (and flat) mole I had biopsied and which came back as on its way to becoming a melanoma. Obviously I can’t see my back, but I would never have considered that particular mole to be anything of interest – I’d have thought the darker ones would be potentially more troublesome. But this is why I am not a dermatologist and why one should leave this sort of thing to the professionals.
As it is I think I need photos of my back taken on the regular, there’s a lot there to monitor and because of the recent less-than-favourable results I need to be more vigilant.
You should really go get a skin cancer check.
Less than favourable? 🙁
I think you tend to get a little complacent after having so many tests being nothing! Nothing too serious, but I need to ramp up the watchfulness.
There are so many things to watch!!
Glad to hear you got this sorted out in the nick of time
Thanks Daniel! Fortunately I’m pretty diligent about the annual checks and am definitely motivated to keep that up!