50before50: final revisions

Today is the last day before I lock down the 50before50 list for the coming year. It’s down to the wire because of aforementioned cold and feeling ghastly – thinking has been difficult.

In a bit of a cop-out, because of the wretched cold and accompanying inability to think, I’m going to give myself one wild card – I can replace one more thing during the year.

With one year to go, shall we guess how many of the 50 I’m not going to accomplish? I’m guessing 10. Or maybe 12.

But, let’s not be defeatist – on with the replacements:

#20: get decent & pleasing portrait of self – replaced with learn to meditate.

Let’s just say I’m not entirely comfortable with how I look right now and I’m not really jazzed about pursuing this one. Of course I could be all CHALLENGE YOURSELF, FACE YOUR FEARS, YOU ARE NOT THAT HIDEOUS but screw that.

I think mediation definitely needs pursuing – my mind needs quieting. So much quieting.


#22: take Joe/Frank to Europe – replaced with do the 100 days of happiness challenge

I really, really want to take Joe/Frank to Europe – but there is no practical way that this is going to be done before November 2017. If I am silly enough to do a 60before60 list this is totally going to be on it. Even if I don’t do the list we are going anyway.

The #100happydays challenge inspired by the ever-excellent anyresemblance.


#32: make a piece of furniture – replaced with listen to an audio book.

After the challenge of the slightly wobbly planter I made for the lounge room, I’m really not feeling the furniture thing. I think it would take a lot longer than a year to be remotely good at it, plus I’m pretty sure we don’t actually need any furniture.

I’ve never listened to an audio book before and given I know so many people who are really into them, I’m keen to see if it is something I’d be down with. I’m much more about the reading than the listening (though am a big podcast fan), so I suspect I won’t be – but I’ll never know until I do it!


#47: make a planter with trellis – replaced with no internet in the evenings for a month.

On reflection, the planter is not likely to work, it is way too hot out there for anything to thrive without extreme cossetting and as with furniture, something I’d need a little more time to perfect.

Having a break from the InformationSuperhighway is just to see if I can – and what pops up in its place. Like most people, I spend a lot of time dicking around on the internet. I’m wondering just what I’ll do if I don’t have it – I’m guessing reading, but we’ll find out!


Exactly one year to go!

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