
Being Friday I dragged myself out for a run after work.

This time Joe/Frank accompanied me because he has, after attending OT, developed an interest in exercise and becoming fitter.

He is now so very tall and his legs are so very long that his walk is roughly the same pace as my jog/shuffle, so he went on ahead. He gave up at the 500m mark1 – much further than we imagined he would get – and walked home while I ploughed on. We do so need to work on his form – all lanky thrashing limbs.

I, however, was amazingly so motivated that I managed to get to an unprecedented 3km! Yay me!

I am totally thrilled about the extra 500m and that I could breathe and speak when I arrived home rather than collapsing in a heavy-breathing, red-faced heap for 30 minutes. And my shin-splints seem to have disappeared, which gives me great hope that I can pursue more lengthy running in the great outdoors, which has been a long-term goal.

Clearly, exercise is the key to unfattening, because although I have consumed a good deal of wine this week, I have walked to SML every day, walked home 3 days, ran 3, yoga 2 and my measurements are a good deal reduced.

My waist shows the most loss at 9cm – just! what?!

Also reduced is belly is 3cm, hips 2cm, thigh 4cm. Upper arm remains constant. Clearly I am some sort of shape-shifter, because these were absolutely not the proportions of a week ago.

Crazy stuff. I blame hormones.

1measured on my fab new sportstracker app

2 thoughts on “purpose

  1. Since I started exercising I’ve become heaps fitter. It really is about getting into a routine and sticking to it. Having a gym on the roof of our building has helped an endless amount though, because I don’t have to try as hard to get started!

  2. We have found success for many things by affixing a calendar to the wall and checking things off. Am trying to have exercise in at least 4 boxes per week.

    I’d thought for a long while that we should buy somewhere that had a gym, but the strata fees for gym-enabled buildings are astronomical. So I need to continue the getting out amongst it for raising the heart rate – though I would be very pleased to have access to a rowing machine.

    Yay for health!

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