26 days not to waste: 3

If you come and mind our land (and water our plants) while we are away, you will receive rewards beyond measure:

And we will frantically scrub the horrible white tiles on the kitchen floor in preparation for you.

We are ever-so-grateful to the most excellent Wombat (who we hope will keep the wild parties to a minimum, lest she incur the wrath of the neighbour/s).


Then there was packing! and gnashing teeth over the toiletries v clothing ratio (far too heavy on the toiletries side).

Then there was foot-stomping and the why can’t we go now.

Then there was more tidying and some mending.


Because I’d packed away my camera, I took the above snaps with the werk-iphone and while uploading discovered this, which Don noticed on the footpath one recent, rare afternoon when we walked home together.

I’ve had Sister Havana in my head ever since.


Then after a day doing little else, the InformationSuperHighway rewarded me with this:

And I have been giggling ever since, though I am not one to anthropomorphise, this is totally Donaldo and I at around 2am after a (rare) party – no guesses as to who is whom.


And then, after a couple of wines, I was inclined to bust out the Shoebox Of Ancient Photographs and force poor Donaldo to gaze upon them.

Oh Bessie & Joe/Frank, you were (and are) such adorable poppets!


Not a lot achieved but the packing involved impromptu inclusion of uno cards, where in the quiet times we will totally kick Joan’s proverbial.

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