the long catch up

It wasn’t until we were back amongst it that I remembered how perfectly ghastly Year 11 and 12 are for everyone involved.

We were called up for a meeting with the Principal the week before last – while Joe/Frank is above the average for the majority of his subjects, he has a very heavy subject load and they are worried about his ability to organise himself (aren’t we all?) and concerned that his current approach to his work/study leaves a good deal to be desired (also, aren’t we all?). They feel he may later become overwhelmed and not achieve optimal results unless we intervene now.

After a good deal of discussion, we all agreed on a system for him to take / store / organise his notes and these holidays he is trying to transcribe everything from Term 1.

We’re also trying to get a handle on everything that is due next term – hopefully this will result in a reduction of the mad-panic of assignment writing the night before the task is due.

The most challenging thing of all of this is the sheer amount of micro-management required. This is not at all my forte. I feel as though I should have DishyBoss (who, you will recall, has micro-management as a super-power) to come over and nag and boss him about.

So far things are going well. There have been dozens of schedules and check-lists drawn up:

There have also been rewards and motivations put it place. One of which includes me sitting with him to keep him company and updating the food blog (he is forever nagging me to update it) while he works on his notes. That little project should easily keep us going for the rest of the year. If nothing else, a rather nice lesson in what happens when you put things off.


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