hard sell

I am so absolutely thrilled with the kindle and have quite possibly enough books (from seekrit locales) already to last me through eternity.

If you are tossing up whether to get one, you really should take the plunge while parity is almost upon us.

I can’t say the selection from Amazon is terribly fabulous (dear people, if you don’t provide the means to give you $ for the things I want to buy, I will get them elsewhere), but don’t let that stop you.

I’m also delighted with instapaper and the accompanying super-fabulous givemesomethingtoread. There’s even a handy-dandy kindle button which will bundle your articles up and deliver them to your device in an easy-to-read format!

I think in four days I’m reading more than I have, cumulatively, in the previous month or two (rather than the InformationSuperhighway skimming/pretending-to-read which occupies far too much of my time).

The kindle is so much nicer to fall asleep with on your face than a pointy book! I’m having a little trouble finding the optimal reading position in bed, the best so far seems to be waiting until Don falls asleep and resting it on his head.


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