slightly woeful wednesday

Today Don decide to take GerryScotti in for his regular service and work from home. Joe/Frank’s regular speech therapy appointment1 was this afternoon, so Don planned to take him there after he’d collected Gerry. This was a Good Thing because I was quite snowed under at Marie Celeste.

I received a call from Don this afternoon advising me that we had a Plumbing Emergency! The cold tap in the shower was broken beyond fixing and water was gushing everywhere (so needed to be turned off at the main – no water for us).

There was a potential emergency plumber visit! There was car collection! There was J/F’s appointment at the same time as car collection!

I volunteered to collect Gez while Don ferried J/F to Balmain via taxi.

Fortunately (if you look at it from a co-ordination perspective) the plumber aspect was under control as he can’t come until tomorrow morning.

I arrived at the spiritual home of GerryScotti and went to pay for his service with the credit card – declined. What?! Tried to pay with another card – declined. Oh! My! Thank goodness for my NAB visa debit which let me go temporarily into the red, else I would still be stuck there.

After all the angst, it was quite nice to get to Gez and see this on the steering wheel.

Went to collect Don and J/F from Balmain and decided that groceries be damned! We’d go out for dinner and face the hordes at Coles tomorrow night.

Dinner was Joe/Frank’s first experience of Japanese and he did very well indeed. It is absolutely delightful that he is keen to try anything he is unfamiliar with! And he likes most thing he tries.

The plumber will be coming at 8am tomorrow, which will not be a minute too soon. Mainly because I am hyper-surly.

1As with most things, it will be a long, slow haul, but am really very pleased with the therapist and how things are going.

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