killer in the ho-oooome

Today, we will spend the afternoon with slow cooked lamb slow-cooking away in the oven. As always, I send up a huge prayer of thanks for Brigette Hafner.

Mmmmmmmm – lamb.

I have a list of things to do this weekend written on the whiteboard in the kitchen. So far we have managed to do one of them – which was prepare a list of meals for the week. Now that Don has moved to a new workplace and I have returned to the gym in the afternoons (rather than visiting at lunch – which I completely and uttely LOATHE), we’re arriving home much later and a trip to the supermarket for me (all by myself ) on the way home makes the arrival time later still and makes for a grumpy me. And I hate those whole, “what are we having for dinner?”, “I don’t know, what do you want to have for dinner?” conversations.

To counter this we planned away, then toddled down to Glenmore meat’s fabulously named “maximum discount section” where we bought a whole heap of stuff to shove in the freezer (and it was considerably cheaper than the butcher). I’ve not really done this kind of thing much before (like planned ahead for meals), I know y’all probably do this sort of thing all the time (consider me a massively slow learner). When Don was on holidays for a week before he started the new job, he hired a car and we went a little crazy in the supermarket stockpiling a whole heap of non-perishable stuff which should last a couple of months, so consider us set. It seems very desirable not be be visitng the supermarket every day.

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