not particularly interesting updates

I’ve been wondering how people who work full time during the week manage to not only have weekend jobs, but also have interesting lives and *do* things!

Where do they find all this time? Have they discovered some mystical technique to make their days longer? I’m generally far too tired to even think of anything extra-curricular.

8<——– (yes, they’re indeed a very lame attempt at ascii scissors)

Fenton is off to India, the Phillipines & South Korea in March, flying business class no less! While I may be a wee bit envious, it will pretty much be work, work and more work – which is no fun at all.


Neither cakes, nor biscuits, nor chocolate, nor other bad things have passed my lips for around 5 weeks. And, I hear you ask, has this period of deprivation made any difference? The answer would be a resounding NO! I am exactly the same. Which doth suck most mightily! If my name was Pollyanna, I would say, “at least I’m not any fatter”, but my name isn’t Pollyanna, so I’m not about to say that. I’ve given the walk home the (temporary) flick, because of the rather icky hot February weather (and the fact that I’ve taken to wearing heels to work doesn’t make long hikes terribly enjoyable).

I purchased “French women don’t get fat” yesterday – more because I really dig cute little books by Frenchwomen than because I think it will change my fat levels! Its a wee bit pretentious, but still falls into the cute category!


It would seem that blogger has FINALLY updated the godsawful comments system – so that now non-blogger account holders can actually comment by name and not the dreadful anonymous! So now I’m debating whether to go back (the downside being that I’d lose all of my haloscan comments).


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