
Sitting down to write very first thing in the morning was an apparent invitation to my brain to bounce about like a mad thing. Not in the good, creative, brimming with ideas and energy way, more a I’ve-just-downed-5-espressos-and-done-4-lines-of-speed way.

There was very little writing and quite a lot of staring into middle distance, mind racing. And this was before any actual coffee was consumed.

This was really not conducive to a smooth, slow and peaceful start to the day, which is something I value quite highly!

So my morning pages have evolved into before-bed journalling. Not quite in line with The Way, but serving me better.

2 thoughts on “biorhythms

  1. Interesting! Maybe useful on days when you haven’t slept enough? I wonder what the effects of the bedtime journaling will be, and whether they might eventually produce a calmer morning mind. As in, it took me years of doing yoga before I could meditate (sit) without hyperventilating and panicking, but I did get there.

    • Almost two weeks in and I find it easier to focus – perhaps after bouncing around all day the mind is exhausted by evening. Perhaps also in the evening there is a lot less “I need to do this and this and this” ahead of me – just journal, blog post, sleep.

      I think I will try the morning again after daylight savings ends. We’re at that awful time of year when it is way too dark in the mornings to be awake.

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