crafting: concrete concrete concrete

Time has really ceased to have meaning, because I’m astonished that my adventures in concreting update was in December 2021. I was absolutely convinced that I’d done that class this year.

According to my photos, the last time I made anything with concrete was back in February. This is also insane to me, as I imagined it was only a few months ago.

It is quite fun activity and gathering all the photos together has reignited my interest! I need to buy another bag of concrete so I can make some more things.

Moulds moulds moulds

From two separate sessions – I usually only make enough to fill that tub.

When I bought the supplies for my adventures in dyeing, I also grabbed some discounted periwinkle dye powder. I had no plans for it, but while I was mixing concrete, wondered what would happen if I added some to the mix along with the red additive. Prettiness is what happened!

Moulds = round plastic take-away containers

Planted gifts for Bessie. I think the Grand-cat has now made short work of these.

Mould = fabric soaker container.

I love the shape of this one. I have a couple more of these containers waiting for the mood to strike.

More pretty colours!

Moulds = (mostly) round plastic take-away containers. One on the right is from a plastic plant pot – not super successful.

Tiny house from almond milk carton.

The printing on the carton transferred to the concrete which I thought was quite cool (if back to front). Further experiments with other printed material hasn’t proved successful.

Candle plinths from tea containers – salvaged from the unsuccessful pile.

They have really misshapen holes in the centre – but those are disguised, so all good.

Tiny building selection. I’m keen to further experiment with a tiny factory shapes. This one is far too thin and the roofline not quite right

Moulds = milk carton

It’s very simple and quite fun and satisfying. You should totally try it!

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