50before50: #20 learn to meditate – evaluating options (day 2)

Next up is the calm app. Calm is the main competitor to Headspace. I keep seeing references to it all over the place, but I think I first read about it in Tim Ferriss: Tools of Titans

This one forgoes the cutesy animations and adorable graphics. It does however have a really amazing crackling fire! If you don’t care for fires, there’s tons of other options – mountain streams, raindrop, ocean – All The DFH** Things.

There are many less screens to get through than with Stop, Breathe & Think.

I went for the meditation, but there’s a really useful breathe option, which takes you through slow and deliberate breathing – good if you need to quickly calm the hell down.

And I started off with the introductory 7 days of calm:

No stickers (that’s not my jam anyway), but you get a nice calming message.

This too measures streaks and has (minimal) stats:

What I liked: ZOMG the fireplace! Seriously, I’ve been watching/listening to it at other times (like now!) and find it incredibly restful.
+ I’m not having to click through a bunch of screens to get started.
+ Really like the breathe option.
+ No timer on the screen during the meditation (just the fire) – which discourages distracted peeking.

What I didn’t like: Voice is still no HeadspaceAndy and a little too peppy and enthusiastic.
+ A good bit of this was introduction to the benefits of mindfulness / meditation – I understand why, but I just wanted to get on with it.
+ Quite limited free options – after the 7 day introductory, you’re going to have to put your hand in your pocket.

Things for next time: I did this before coffee – well worth the change!

Cost: Very limited free options | $12.99 per month ($4.99 per month if you sign up for a year) – assuming this is USD

Rating 5/5 for the app | 3/5 for the meditation


** Dirty Hippy

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