easter break 2016: day two

I think I rather like this 3 Action Items a day approach. It seems to focus the mind and I’m actually doing the things.

Ran that 2km. Pretty boring, but I was pleased to finally get out there. Started out a little faster than I had planned, but reined it back for the second km.

Iced afterward as instructed AND I HAVE NO PAIN! Very exciting.


Not on the action items list, but I fiddled with the plant stand base – slightly wider brackets, which I think looks tons more pleasing, will once I get rid of the blue tape.

We also took a trip to the charity shop and I donated those frames I’d salvaged from the SML move. They were cluttering the garage and I admitted to myself that I was unlikely to actually do anything with them.


Tonight was a solo evening for me – Joe/Frank was working and Don and Bessie spectating at the ducks game. It started pretty late, and I’ve just accepted that I am not going to games where I am going to arrive home after 10:30 (such an old lady!)

Don made chilli cheese fries before they left. SO YUMMY!


Who knew that a pair of compasses would have practical application In Real Life?

I feel like this rack will look pretty sweet – and made with junk we had laying about.


And then I sat down and watched a couple of episodes of Midsomer Murders while I pottered about and worked on the pink skirt. It was a glorious – I absolutely needed this.


Action Items tomorrow: finish pink skirt waistband; drill holes for brackets in and varnish plant stand; varnish coat rack.