For the first time in several years we were pretty slack on the gardening front and the only real harvest was from the very late flowering chilli plant.
Okay, there was also the usual rosemary, bay leaves, thyme, basil and parsley. But I really wouldn’t call those harvesting because everything apart from the parsley and basil grows all year round.
I’m not sure what inspired this lack of enthusiasm, but I suspect it was the prospect of losing everything once again to the dreaded caterpillars.
I’m wildly successful at growing food to feed an army of bugs, but I’m full of envy of and admiration for anyone who can manage to successfully grow edible plants – edible by people and not by creatures.
I’m kind of at peace with abandoning the big goal of growing lots of things to eat and am pretty happy with the idea of growing ingredients and planting the occasional random seed to see what happens.