and the weather is miserable

It was off to the dermatologist this morning to have my scar trimmed (ewwww).

Dermatologist decided that she’d like to take another small chunk out because margin of error on the last pathology test while good, was not quite as she’d like – and given that she was already there with a scalpel in hand, better now than later.

A couple of hours later and it really rather hurts – like a thing that hurts. I think it hurts more than the initial chopping (although I am likely mis-remembering) – even after painkillers.

AND now I’m to do no exercise for a few days – especially push-ups. I knew this would be the case, but annoying to break the 41 day chain. It will be interesting to see if I can still do 51 when I have the all-clear.


On the way back home I dropped into T2 and grabbed myself a larger teapot (with a working lid) and an insanely good new iced tea (very coco berry).

I also bought a large block of peppermint chocolate because my arm hurts.

pleasing shape

I’ve spent the time since arriving home lazing about reading, eating chocolate and have already drunk about 1.5 litres of chilli berry boom (my fave tea of the summer) from the capacious new pot.

Probably not the worst way to spend a day off.