sunset from the top balcony
In order to keep up the running momentum, I’ve entered the sun run on 6 February. This could well be madness because it is a quite hilly 7km in very hot and steamy February.
I’m keeping up with the (knees) push-ups and am now up to 30. Doesn’t really seem like a lot, but there is no way I could have done this two weeks ago. I really like this incremental approach and am going to try to apply it to other things – though I have no idea what these things actually are.
8 days until the break! I cannot even begin to describe how much I am looking forward to it!
I only have three more working days and I then I am off for two week and I can’t wait either.
I am envious, I’m working up to and including Xmas eve. I realised after dragging myself in yesterday that I should have taken this last week before Xmas off.
And I’m rather regretting reducing my annual leave in January to 10 days (rather than the 18 I was originally taking) – still better to be there when new boss is developing his slashing plans so I can have some influence on the outcome!