what’s this? yet another unrelated Hobart photo? there’s plenty more where that came from!
So far we’re progressing nicely with the to-do list. We’re clearly very immediate-goal oriented. As with all lists there is the temptation to add things that were not originally there so they can be crossed off: “oh I’ve just gone through the tedious process of emailing myself filtered photos from my werk-phone” / add to list / cross-off; “haircut?” / repeat.
This morning I went for my long run. My plan was for 11km. Usually I feel like I am queen of the world1 during my long run – this was not one of those times.
I just managed to make it (albeit VERY slowly), with my outer right knee giving me a fair amount of grief at the end (resulting in more hobbling than running). Yes, ITB issues again. For the first time in memory, I stopped at my goal distance and walked the 600m home.
Truly, I only have myself to blame here: that distance was way too ambitious after no regular weekly running for three weeks, in addition, probably a little too much wine last night, no regular vitamins, no warm-up or stretching prior, nothing to eat before I left. D’oh.
Also, I wonder if it is not somewhat psychological – paid-for event coming up, injury – rather like last year’s city2surf. Stupid brain.
Am now self-medicating with wine, a cold pack and denco-rub.
Tomorrow evening marks my last wine until half-marathon. If WHEN I get to the finish line, be assured that I will be consuming all I have missed and then some.
1I had no idea this would be a thing and if you suggested it told me, I would have totally rolled my eyes at you – just like Don did when I asked, “you know how you feel like queen of the world when you run … “.