This weekend we entertained Don’s awesome Aunt and Uncle1 during their all-too-brief visit to Sydney. The entire fam (+ ajax) adored them. So nice to find rellies who are not bat-shit insane. Totally the people we want to be when we grow up.
Am on tail-end of Horrible Hobart cold, which has also left me with a Giant lip pox – this is about as delightful as you would imagine. HHC has necessitated wee break from runnering – must commence half-marathon training this week
Started my very first cable scarf (the change ringing scarf) during a brief sojourn in entertaining:
Am quite pleased with results.
Accidentally read a regency romance novel when thought I was getting a murder. Wondered for many chapters at distinct lack of death. Must not grab titles based on author alone.
Don travelled interstate for client golf function.
I know.
He accorded himself satisfactorily and arrived home with prizes.
I’m sure we all look forward to a riveting evening with the 2013 masters DVD.
Now back to Grind.
1need clever blog names