ARGH! is the watchword for July
- film: one new film per fortnight (REVISED: on the GiantTelevision)
NOT ACHIEVED: ARGH! - foodz: one new recipe per week
NOT ACHIEVED: ARGH! But again managed to update the the year of dinners page. - da ‘hood: explore the neighbourhood once per month
NOT ACHIEVED: ARGH! - paint: 6 months to paint the interior of ThePalace(OfLove)
PROJECT: FAIL. SO MUCH FAIL. - teev: watch something each week from the ridiculously extensive stash of video media
NOT ACHIEVED: ARGH! - projects:
complete one project from my dabbler email per monthfinish all of those things I started or abandon them.
NOT ACHIEVED: ARGH! - learnin: (a) commence my manageress diploma (+ no dallying re assignments) – updated to include (b) be a better manageress.
PARTIALLY ACHIEVED: (a) covered off two more days. two not completed assignments making me feel guilty. three days remaining.
ACHIEVED: (b) Forced self to have Vern-Percy performance discussion - exercise: twice a week. incidental exercise does not count
ACHIEVED: I am doing the bare minimum of running. This is not good – particularly with the city2surf in two weeks. ARGH! As tedious as it is, I really need to recommence tracking and posting my runs because I was making significantly more progress when I was obsessively sharing. - thing: find my thing (the least SMART of all the projects)
I DON’T KNOW! ARGH! - sobriety: a dry (at least) January
ACHIEVED: SEVEN MONTHS!! The revolting Vern-Percy made me actually crave a glass of wine last week, but I did not succumb because my willpower is totes dazzling.
I just don’t even know what happened in July. Or to July. So unfocused and not a little unhinged.
It would be rather good if August could see its way clear to being a little more productive and less, well, meh.
In my view the success of 10 more than makes up for all the others.
Oh definitely! Luckily that one has been much simpler than I had anticipated. I’ve discovered that I’m much better at total abstinence than any sort of moderation.
Would love to get some small grip on the others though. Perhaps I should restrict the next bunch of projects to things I can give up!