Monday (13/05): run
5.01km | 38:01
After the glory of Sunday, this was incredibly difficult and perfectly hideous – as evidenced by the time. Ugh!
Wednesday (15/05): run
5.01km | 37:11
Slowly improving. Was Very Cold.
Thursday (16/05): run
5.01km | 36:07
A little more like it. Still Very Cold. Started running in jacket – sensible.
Friday (17/05): run
5km | 36:09
Even colder – fingies like ice. May need running gloves.
Saturday (18/05): run
11.38km | 1:21:53
Gorgeous day (though still cold). Ran over ANZAC bridge and around old ‘hood. Personal best for 10km!
Sunday (19/05): run
10.02km | 1:15:07
The last two kilometres were killers – undoubtedly because I ate dinner very early on Saturday evening and I was clearly fuel-less by that point.
Total kilometre-age = 41.43km!
Going to try for 12km or 13km on my long runs next week (trying to sensibly push distance). I really need to be mindful of hydration and eating the evening before.
I’ve entered another 8km fun run which is on the first weekend in June. I anticipate my time will be a good deal slower than the last fun run as this course is quite a bit more hilly.