
This morning we were up bright and early to collect Joan and Vincenzo from the airport from their European Adventure.

They were stuck on the plane for a good while because there were about 20 other flights which landed around the same time. So Don and I drank bad coffee and people-watched. Arrivals always make me teary (the final scene in Love Actually invariably makes me weep buckets) – so much hugging and joy. No, I don’t know what happened to my Gen-X cynicism either.

I was tempted to bring Vincenzo some work to complete on the weekend. Honestly, I have been LOST without him. Such a star performer and perfect right-hand (how I ever coped without him, I am not entirely sure – comparisons to Bratson deserve another post).

After we dropped her home, Joan presented us with the most wonderfully thoughtful gifts: an Icelandic jolf set for Don and gorgeous Icelandic wool and skin care products from the blue lagoon pour moi.

As I’ve said before, I’m so delighted and proud that my grown-up baby is a World Travelling, Independent Woman.

And so, today when we found out that Don’s bro’s daughter (who is Joe/Frank’s age) is expecting, I thanked TheUniverse that I escaped from SpootCountryTown and that my sprogs did not follow my example of having babies while still babies – where such things were deemed completely normal, right and proper.

While I do not regret my path for a single second, the path has been quite challenging (to say the least), and I am infinitely pleased that the babies have other examples of how to be.

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