
Measured self and trawled back through the archives to compare to the last time I wrapped a measuring tape around my vital stats.

It would seem that it is the time of year for FAT anxiety, because I embarked on roughly the same project this time last year.

Unfortunately, one year later, I am more than 5 cm bigger in the waist. I didn’t measure my thighs a year ago, but most assuredly they are much more giant – because I can no longer fit into pants I wore at the time.

When embarking on the 2012 project (please, TheUniverse, do not let there be a 2013-14 &etc one), I did not make a similar mistake and measured everywhere I could think of.

Admire my mad sketching skillz. Clearly the art world is all the poorer from my absence

I will post periodic updates of my progress as the month progresses, but be assured that I will try to avoid hitting you over the head with it.

To avoid the aforementioned head-hitting, I will be tracking on some sort of calendar device similar to that shown below:

This has proved surprisingly effective to track vitamin, medication (Don) and breakfast (me) intake (and far too many As for Alcohol). Exercise, not so much – clearly it requires a dedicated chart of its own.


In other news, I desperately need to update my look.

I’m totally rocking the frump, primarily because I can no longer fit into anything. I am down to 6 outfits which could barely be constituted as professional. I’ve even taken to wearing baggy, linen elastic-waisted pants to SML on days other than casual Fridays. I know!

What really brought it all home was post-staff-meeting drinks last Friday. AnxiousMum and I were chatting to MrT and he commented that AnxiousMum must be really into clothes and fashion because she had such an extensive array of outfits, he then turned to me and said, “and … yes, well, you’re buying a house!”.

Upon de-briefing this with my lovely husband, he took a deep breath (or two) and noted that I did now-days mostly wear highly unflattering clothing which made me rather resemble a lumpy sack.

Donaldo then recommended that I just stop faffing about and actually buy some nice clothing that could be adjusted downward should I need it.

Very, very, wise words I think.

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