grar (uterus warning)

Just when I thought I would be safe until the operation, this evening saw me start another, as the medical professionals so evocatively put it, “bleed”.

Yay, more living in the bathroom! More anemia!

I’m quite hoping that quite fervently wishing this away will prove successful, as I really do very much need to go to work tomorrow.

Husband 2 suggestion that I might want to give Option 2 a little more consideration as the ute has pretty much never given me anything but grief. That, combined with a very lovely and informative email from the scathingly brilliant Cellobella and I very much am considering ute removal (option 2) after initially pretty much dismissing it out of hand.

Would that I could engage someone to make such difficult decisions for me.


stuff in my letterbox: election edition

Back to something a tad more cheerful!

It’s election time! I’d say hurrah, but really am disappointed at the blandness of it all.

There’s been a fair bit of press about various high-profile politicians not being terribly forthcoming about their political affiliations in their campaign material and it is excellent to see that our local member has jumped on that bandwagon!

Except for the photograph with Julia and the tiny “Labor for Sydney” and what with all that purple and the absence of party logo, you’d be hard pressed to know Tanya was the Labor candidate. Unkind people might think she’s trying to fool the less-politically aware constituents into believing she’s an independent.

And frankly, who can blame her?

I quite look forward to the appearance of her campaign posters on various surfaces throughout the suburb and wonder if they’ll show the same lack of Laborness.


This anemia is really quite horrid indeed and, despite the iron tablets, does not appear to be improving terribly much.

Still weak, weak, weak and am startled at my paleness when I encounter myself in one of the surfeit of mirrors we have around here. I’m also becoming not a little anxious and depressed and really very much need to Relax.

I really don’t know how the chronically ill manage, I’m very keen to start feeling like Myself again.