After so much horrible rain, it was a lovely cold, sunny day today.
Japanese maple on the balcony.
After a quick trip to Broadway for jeans and bra for Bess and pyjamas for Joe/Frank, there was lots of lazing about and cheesecake making (which Bessie accidentally left here when she left this evening!), pizza making, a rousing game of Buzz and watching our playing group almost win and eventually get return to their natural state of suck.
Things I didn’t do this weekend: knit, organise our paperwork, vacuum (we paid Bessie to do that last one)
Now we’re enjoying a glass (or seven) of wine, cooking minestrone from Marie Claire: comfortand waiting for Eurovision.
Also, as I say every Sunday evening in a whiney voice, “I don’t want to go to work tomorrow”. Sickie? I’ve got 11 days up my sleeve. Unfortunately too many super-urgent tasks await me (also, because it is that time of year, my performance review). Perhaps next week?