“joe! the dishes and beds! where’s that furniture polish? if aunty finds the house in this shape, we’ll really get a lecture!”

Please note: the images referred to in this entry will be uploaded when I can actually get near my own computer, which is currently infested with small children.


I’m feeling rather out of sorts, primarily because I have a Bad (oldest) Child. And, to be honest, I’m perfectly sick of her Bad Ways. As I am sure you are all aware, teenagers just suck. Damn, I’d love one of those swotty, obedient, helpful children right about now.

Often I laugh hysterically at my delusion and naiviety when she was a wee babe, for I assumed that providing her with a supportive, stimulating home environment would make for a Good, Studious Child. Well, I laugh hysterically when not berating myself for being A Bad Mother (stupid cultural conditioning).


I’m also out of sorts because the move to Department Cool has been rather less fabulous than I thought it would be and Bodecia leaving means that I will take on a a whole raft of her work with no increased remuneration pour moi (Bodecia earns roughly twice my salary). Apparently my role will be reviewed in December, we’ll see if I end up with more of the ready, of course I am realistic enough to know that there is no way that this will happen.

As heretical as it is to admit, I miss the work at batshitcrazyorg. Even though the organisation itself is the epitome of evil, Industrial Relations is infinitely more interesting than what I do now (which I cannot mention because it may reveal the identity of the Marie Celeste).

I also feel lumpy and old and less-than-attractive – blah!


My drunken ramblings were incorrect, my teeths become sparkly and white on the 26th and not the 20th. On the 20th I collected the whitening trays and as a consequence of the tray making, now have the most stylish objet d’art which will make a wonderful addition to the Hardly decor – a fab yellow plaster replica of my teeth.


Bess (so far A Good Child) has been nagging for more board games to be added to the Hardly stash. So, from desperation and inability to think of an alternative, I picked up a copy of Cluedo (Clue for any visiting Americans) yesterday and a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle to sate her appetite for non-computer stuff.

I envision all these little pieces being scattered throughout the house.

So far family-game wise we have Monolpoly, The Game of Life, The Simpsons Board Game, Simpsons Trivia Game (worst. game. ever.) and a few card-type games. We aren’t keen on Scrabble or word type games (not really Bess’ forte and we do try to avoid tears). A game that is fairly chancey and doesn’t require a whole lot of skill would be excellent. Suggestions for additional board games to add to the stash welcomed.


Fenton returns tomorrow. I am over this travelling, but there unfortunately are still more trips to be made before the end of the year.

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