trickery (or we are not idiots)

On Monday afternoon had a wee chat with ersatz-madame-thingy, who indicated I would be receiving a (well deserved albeit rather small – 4.3%) increase in remuneration at the end of the financial year – hurrah!

I thought this was very good news – that is until today, when Selty (who is currently acting assistant manager) announced to us that tomorrow we be paid a visit by the HR Manager who would provide us with our new salary letters and go through them with us individually.

Selty mentioned that there would be several changes – our 17.5% annual leave loading will now be included in our salary amount and that Marie Celeste is reducing the amount of superannuation contributions from 10% to 9% (the 1% difference will be included in our salary amount).

By an amazing co-incidence these changes amount to the same percentage increase told to me by ersatz-madame-thingy. Given that I am no mathematical genius, I checked my guesses with ersatz-madame-thingy who arrived at the same figure and was aghast.

I said if their pathetic smoke and mirrors were supposed to trick me into believing it was a pay rise, I would be very vocal in my displeasure – she said she would be equally as vocal, because both she and the ex-manager had fully supported an increase. We agreed that we would wait and see what the letter said (having little confidence in our maths) before our respective tantrums.

In other Marie Celeste news, another from the division has deserted.

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