I repotted this adorable tiny vine over the weekend. And you’d better believe I wore gloves and a mask while doing so.
We’re all now ultra-cautious gardeners after our lovely neighbour got a spinal infection from potting mix (really!). He was extremely ill for many months, lost the ability to walk for a short while, and had to have two vertebrae fused. He’s mostly recovered and finally returned home over the weekend.
What a thing to happen.
And in similar “what a thing to happen” news. Many of you will know one of my long(est) time Imaginary Internet Friends, the excellent James O’Brien.
James recently returned from a trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, where he had unknowingly acquired an infection, and subsequently had to have part of his leg amputated. Absolutely just shocking and horrifying.
He’s doing okay and is back to blogging and generously sharing his experiences. If you don’t read him, you definitely should.