I’ve never chosen an over-arching word/theme/idea for the year, being much more given to extensive annual lists. But the idea of the word came up recently and as a thought exercise I pondered what mine would be – though having no real intention of selecting one.
I considered and discarded many, many words that were almost-but-not-quite right. And then the flash of inspiration hit: my word of course is Penelope! And so my over-arching theme for the year is to be more Penelope – who is everything I aspire to be.
Much of this list is about my attitude and mindset, so is therefore completely subjective and mostly un-measurable. Definitely not SMART. I am very focussed on not choosing items that are about restriction and abstinence – it’s time to bring in the good.
The over-arching theme! WWPD?
02. Half arsed is better than no arsed
The eternal quest for a cure for Perfectionisting. I miss out on quite a lot because of this. 60% good can often lead to 95% satisfaction.
03. Disrupt the routine (monthly)
I default to doing the same thing over and over. I would benefit from getting out more and mixing it up.
04. Choose the loving action (be kind to self)
Quiet that Inner Critic!
05. Financially support creators I believe in
Carried over from 2022. I find this very satisfying.
06. Share more of what I love or find interesting
I get a huge amount of benefit from what others share, maybe you might like what I’ve liked?
07. Use the things or let them go
Be realistic about where I’m at now and what I like to do now. Pass on what no longer serves me.
08. Morning experiments
Assuming I continue with the thyroid medication after mid February blood test. I have 30 minutes between taking my meds and being able to drink my morning coffee. I spend this time mostly doom-scrolling. There must be a better way!
09. Monthly hike (or equivalent)
Loving the recent hikes! Would love to build to a multi-day hike!
10. Yoga with Adrienne in January
The daily video release time this year is not terribly convenient for me. It will be interesting to see if this makes a difference.
11. Build physical strength
I am as weak as the proverbial thing that is weak. My skeleton carries me around. I need some muscles and to use them properly.
12. Complete 5 items from the 60before60 list
Another list?! Yes, another list … within a list.
13. 6 films at Golden Age Cinema
It is the coolest tiny cinema, they play a wonderful mix of films.
14. Read 12 fiction books. Limit all self-improvement books
I have really enjoyed the books I’ve read recently. Sometimes hard-line positions (on Amazon, for example) really get in the way of enjoyment – and don’t actually achieve anything.
15. Achieve next big financial goal
It’s big.
16. Wean self down to 1x coffee per day
Not for any withholding of Nice Things. My innards aren’t really entirely thrilled with 3 cups per day.
17. Travel: 2 overseas trips + 1 local trip
Europe, here we come! And maybe Adelaide?
18. 1x new craft class (that isn’t book binding)
I’m thinking weaving, if I can find a weaving class. Penelope would definitely weave.^^
19. 3x book binding classes + 1 open day session
I have a long list of 7! I don’t think 3 will pose a problem. The open day session, might be slightly more difficult.
20. 1x skillshare class
This is one of those instances where Past Me had such belief in Current Me by signing up. I’m going to repay that faith.
21. Blog every day in January
I’m enjoying being back here. And I offered to keep IINRL** Friend Carmen company on her 31 days of blogging challenge.
And there is no point in hoping for a personal blogging resurgence if no-one is blogging.
22. Spend money on myself without guilt #treatyoself
Another ongoing battle. I will buy All the Penelope-Blue garments immediately and not dither over them until they are no longer available.
23. Bring in more joy!
Do my very best to sprinkle some magic and fun into my days.
** Imaginary Internet Now Real Life
^^ you see what I did there.