We picked up our completed pots on Thursday evening! Hurrah!
I didn’t post about our glazing session, but there isn’t a huge amount to it. Basically you dip your pot into a bucket of glaze, take it out and let it dry. Then add a second and optional third coat. You can also brush on your glaze or do more advanced things – Don used a spray gun for some of his. We each had the two pots we’d made and were all given a third for extra practice.
It was quite amusing to find that even though we were working quite independently and there were many different glazes available, Don and I ended up with two sets of very similar pots.
On with the pix …
Post-glazing, pre-firing. Don’s three on the left, mine right.

Finished pots!

First set of unintentionally matching (brown) pots in front. Don’s perfect bowl on left, my slightly less perfect on right.

Sometimes glaze can be unpredictable. The brown bowls were intended to be blue!
Second unintentional matching! Even the drips are similar.

These were the pots we didn’t throw or trim – Don’s left, mine right. We definitely don’t feel the same level of attachment to them.
Matchy, matchy! We each have one pot in each of these sets.

Foot-ring love! Carving out foot-rings are definitely my favourite part of making pottery.

I love this colour and this wobbly pot, but we were clearly not mind-melding at this point.
It was the first class we’ve done together and we really enjoyed ourselves. I’m on the look-out for other crafty couple activities.
I’m definitely putting pottery to rest for now, but I would definitely recommend giving it a crack!