Strange(r)** co-labs: Netflix ice-cream.
** Bessie had to explain to me that this is Stranger Things related.
Strange(r)** co-labs: Netflix ice-cream.
** Bessie had to explain to me that this is Stranger Things related.
I’d put this project aside while I indulged my knitting obsession for a few months. And to be honest, I was finding the whole thing a bit of a struggle. It’s a lot of stitching!
My original approach was to stitch one colour at a time (cross country), I then changed to a small subset of colours, but was eventually kind of bored by that too.
When I picked the project back up a couple of weeks ago, I decided to stitch whatever colour I’m feeling – a chunk here, a chunk there – at random, without any great plan. A more vibes-based approach. This is much more satisfying.
To set myself up for success with this “do what you feel” approach I made stickers of the symbols for all the colours and moved the skeins into larger plastic bags than those pictured. Much easier to access and grab skeins at random.
There’s still a very, very long journey, but hopefully a little less difficult!
Someone’s celebration will be wanting.
I have a book where I capture a ton of notes for my German^^ studies (such as they are) but decided it was time to branch out to a second book to document the verb conjugations separately. Because why not?
If you’d asked me three months ago what conjugating verbs involved, or what an infinitive was, you’d have received quite the blank look. I’m not sure why anyone would actually ask this – but if they do, I’m now ready with answers!
You may well ask why I did not lovingly craft handmade books for this purpose. That would be because I only just now thought of it.
^^ who is this diligent and studious person?
Could these little green balls actually be very, very tiny mangoes?
I mean, I’m fully certain they won’t reach adulthood (if adulthood is the word I want), but how astonishing!**
** they could also be absolutely nothing, much like the not-pinecone
I was recently browsing the ikea as-is section, as you do, and found a single bed sized linen sheet in dark pink for $19.
And I thought, this would make great pants! Or a skirt … or a something.
I’m thinking to make the same pants I made here, because they are excellent messing about pants!
Duolingo really does bring out my worst competitive qualities.
I was quite determined to get this and spent a quite ridiculous amount of time in the last week on the app grinding away getting points (mostly through speaking practice).
“Won” in this context means I was in the top 10 of my tournament league. I am quite pleased with this outcome and the shiny flair that comes with it.
Now I can relax and get back to learning!
Weird morning sky
Earlier this year bought a small packet of vinyl for $3.30 from Daiso with the intention of making tiny vinyl houses. I thought this was probably some time in May. Imagine my astonishment to discover it was in January. January!
I love how in that post past me was determined to execute the plan by the end of that month. Ha!
At some point I made a house shaped template from lightweight card. Who knows when? This year has been weird – my sense of time is very much distorted.
The template has been sitting on the noticeboard above my desk for at least a couple of months, reminding me to set my subconscious to work out a house-construction method.
I rediscovered the vinyl sheets while book-making^^ a couple of weeks ago and decided it was time to get this idea out of my head and into the world! After my brain had done all the heavy lifting over those months, it was fairly straightforward and I’m quite pleased with the results!
Cutting and punching.
I am such a fan of those quilting clips, they’re useful for all sorts of things! Stitched with a heavy weight sewing cotton.
I’m sure there’s a completed version of a house with the clips still attached as a metaphor for … something
Fin! And supplies for more houses!
A set of wee houses – mostly experiments by me.
The wall/s in the not-craft room really do need attention.
^^ a post for another time!