down another path

Recently Don decided he’d had enough of knee, ankle and foot pain after a round of golf or a long walk and sought out a new physio and podiatrist.

He’s had such excellent results that I’ve made an appointment with his physio for Friday morning to chat about my long standing ankle saga.

Before my visit, I plan to make a long list of what I’ve spent way-too-many dollars discovering it isn’t.

My real and perhaps delusional hope is that there is something rehabby that will get me running. But even discussing a plan to claw back some fitness would be wonderful.

pleasantly pottering

This evening I played about with tiny alphabets on graph paper – plotting out letters then stitching tiny words on very (very) tiny Aida.

It was quite fun and I was completely absorbed in it for a good few hours. Looking back – definitely a flow state – which of course we all want when undertaking our craftly activities.

Ultimately I’ll not use what I was working on – didn’t realise the vision – but that doesn’t really matter. I experimented! I tried something out!

It’s one creative idea out of my head and into my hands. Less over-thinking and more doing!

I want more evenings like this, ideally with occasional successful outcomes.


Absolutely needs blocking, but a fairly quick and fun knit.

Though I knit to pattern, it’s possibly (definitely) a little too long – but it will be very toasty!

I am so pleased to have my knitting mojo back. I sat and knit for a long time yesterday and it was peaceful and lovely.

Next I’ll jump back on the even more giant blue one.

princess angel darling

Tiny knitting helper with a summer haircut.

BabyKitty was struggling a lot with the recent heat, and her poor grooming issues meant her very furry fur was a mess.

We’ve not had her in for grooming for over 6 years. She hasn’t really needed it and to do it they neede to put her under general anaesthetic, which we’re not keen to do that unnecessarily.

But it was definitely time. The shorter fur has made a huge difference already, she’s much more lively and has even permitted (occasional) pats!


Sitting down to write very first thing in the morning was an apparent invitation to my brain to bounce about like a mad thing. Not in the good, creative, brimming with ideas and energy way, more a I’ve-just-downed-5-espressos-and-done-4-lines-of-speed way.

There was very little writing and quite a lot of staring into middle distance, mind racing. And this was before any actual coffee was consumed.

This was really not conducive to a smooth, slow and peaceful start to the day, which is something I value quite highly!

So my morning pages have evolved into before-bed journalling. Not quite in line with The Way, but serving me better.

definitely a process knitter

Obviously all I needed to do to regain knitting mojo was divest myself of that unfinished jumper which was sitting in the cupboard for way too long making me feel guilty for not working on it.

My completely unoriginal new philosophy is that life is way too short to work on projects you aren’t loving – out they go!

I’ve been slowly re-organising the NotCraft room and today tackled the knitting bag. I rarely have any wool on hand and absolutely no stash to speak of, but there was a single ball of white(ish) 10ply Rowan kid classic in the bag^^. So I thought I’d knit the same cowl in the yarn size it was designed for alongside the giant blue one and compare.

It’s been just lovely to sit and knit a bit in the evening. As The Universe is my witness, I will never ever attempt another jumper – but scarves and cowls and hats are something I think I’ll enjoy picking up again.

♥ ♥ ♥

^^ I believe this might have been a test ball for the jumper I frogged.