Items the neighbourhood ravens have dumped in the birdbath for future consumption:
+ a very large slice of toasted bread
+ an English muffin
+ potato chips
+ a large cooked crab
I have no idea why they do this. The food is always eventually eaten (either by the ravens or the other random birds that visit) – except the crab, which it flew elsewhere.
Vos corbeaux semblent des êtres vraiment spéciaux.
Ici.nous avons surtout des corneilles et elles ne fréquentent pas mon bain d’oiseaux. Les mésanges et les geais bleus y boivent …et s’y baignent.
C’est à l’intérieur que vous aviez planté des noyaux de mangues? J’aimerais bien tenter l’expérience mais je ne crois pas qu’un tel plant pourrait résister à l’hiver québécois. à l,extérieur.
Bonjour Lise
I get such enjoyment from the birdbath. The crows are wonderful to watch!
I sent my friend Carmen a link to this youtube video of an Australian raven calling so she could compare her German crows – you might enjoy it too:
We’re semi-tropical here, so I put a few mango seeds in a pot and they just grew. Sometimes this approach works, sometimes not. I would encourage you to try the experiment anyway. Garden experiments are always fun 🙂