Last weekend Don and I were back to the pottery studio for trimming.
When you first throw your pot, it’s a cylindrical(ish) shape and flat at the bottom. You let it try to leather hardness for a couple of weeks and put it back on the wheel to trim down the excess clay at the base and carve out a foot-ring. Don likened the process to sculpting, which is a pretty good description.
With all the action going on it’s very easy to forget to take progress shots, but I did grab a couple.
Don’s absolutely magnificent pot. Brilliant first effort.
Mine. You can carve out quite a bit if you’ve left a chonky base. I’m quite pleased with the transformation.
Ready for bisque firing!
Don’s at top, mine at bottom.
I don’t know why my pots are invariably fairly small when we start with the same amount of clay.
We’re back in a few weeks for glazing, and then we’re done!
I’m almost (almost) tempted to return to throw a few more and finally defeat pulling, which is my nemesis.