solstice sky
Because of the cavalcade of crafting posts (more to come), I’ve been thinking quite a lot about my habit of buying craft supplies for projects and letting them sit and sit and sit, untouched and unloved. The project never making it outside my head – and often supplies eventually discarded**.
For a very long time my default was to castigate myself for this (my awfully toxic inner critic lives for such moments) – evidence of all sorts of bad personal attributes.
After a good deal of inner work I understand that much of my resistance is due to fear – that perfectionism and fixed mindset is a constant battle.
This week I had a quite a breakthrough. I think mainly because I have had all the projects posts on my mind. I realised the genuine belief I have in my Future Self and her abilities when I make these plans and acquire these things. And how much faith and trust I have that Future Self will be happy, have fun and enjoy them. Absolutely not that she’ll feel guilty and terrible about herself!
So in 2023 I’m going to try to remember Past Self’s lovely intentions and not let her down.
** I acknowledge that there is a view in some circles that collecting craft supplies is a completely different hobby to the doing of the crafting.