Hallo Imaginary Internet Friends!
I’d not envisaged vanishing for a month** – I hope I can remember how to drive this thing.
Our holiday was absolutely brilliant – we agreed definitely one of the best holidays we’ve had. Just perfect everything! Even when it wasn’t perfect, it was perfect.
setting off: Kleine Scheidegg
Alas, I arrived back with a horrendous cold which laid me out for a good couple of weeks. This felt much worse and lingered longer than when I had COVID last year. I suspect I have no immunity to those exotic Swiss germs.
There was not a lot I could do other than cough (so much coughing I threw out my lower back) and read and cough and read and cough and read and cough.
Thankfully, 1. this only hit me on the flight home and 2. I’m now finally feeling a little more human!
What I did come back with, and what the Evil Cold emphasised, is a desire to eschew daily routines as much as I’m able. I’ve really no idea where that will take me, or even if it is possible, but it feels right. Zero attempting to optimise myself, 100% of just be-ing.
I do intend to be posting here though. Probably daily. Because I want to, not because of some obsessive completionist behaviour^^!
♥ ♥ ♥
** and thus killing my 196 day daily posting streak!
^^ which may or may not have been my previous approach
♥ ♥ ♥
That sounds like a marvelous trip but I’m sorry you got sick (but at least not till the travels were over, as you say). I look forward to hearing more from you!
Thank you!
This also made me realise how much I have *not* been sick in the past 3 years. Apart from COVID in 2022, I’ve been quite unusually healthy.
That scenery! How beautiful.
It’s a fantastically beautiful country.
And really very good for walking – everything is so accessible. I wish we had more of that accessibility here.
hello, so glad you had a good time
Thank you so much for checking in with me