I’m not really vibing May. I’m in need of a boost and what better than a small creative challenge.
I realised today that my camera roll is unusually sparse (save for the daily sky photo), so I’m going all blog-as-instagram and giving myself a small 100 day photo project – inspired by the wee snacks I bought today.
day one: gingerbread babies
tininess: 5cm
Adorable, but ultimately not as delicious as I’d hoped. This did not stop me from eating about 10 of them.
Okay, probably more than 10.
It was originally going to be 100 days of tiny treats, but tiny treasures feels less consumeristy.
Tiny is defined as whatever I deem tiny in the moment.
This is a charming idea for a series/creativity project.
Holly! Thank you!
Must get back on this, it’s cute to scour the house for meaningful tiny items.
I’m happy I didn’t lock myself into the idea of daily posting of treasures – way too much pressure, much less delightful and this way I can savour them.