We arrived home this morning with a complete absence of fuss.
While we were away in paradise, I received a letter from the National Cervical Screening Program that was full of “our records show it has been more than 5 years since your last pap smear! it is really important to have one! make an appointment today!”. So I logged onto the government health portal this afternoon to request that they please stop sending me reminders as it’s now over 10 years since I’ve actually had a cervix to torture.
While on the portal I noticed the results of my recent blood tests had been uploaded by the pathology company.
So of course, rather than wait for an appointment SuperHappyFunGP, I plunged in! There was a quite a bit of interpretation required across the 12 documents, and some recourse to Dr Google, which is always a dangerous thing.
In excellent news:
+ I’m not allergic to anything I was tested for
+ I don’t have h.pylori
In rather less excellent news:
+ I have elevated TSH (sluggish thyroid)
+ I have high good and high bad cholesterol
+ I have low transferrin (something iron-y?)
+ I have high eGFR (though pathologist notes to exercise caution when interpreting the number)
I see SuperHappyFunGP on Monday to discuss. I see some lifestyle changes in my future.