adventures in gardening #27484928263

You may remember our excitement when we discovered fresh habaneros and jalapeños at the fruit and veg back in January 2016

We never really did find that much to do with them and stuck them in the freezer, but I sacrificed a couple of each for seeds with the idea that I might get myself a regular supply.

I was not terribly scientific and planted a bunch of seeds in the same pot. A couple eventually sprouted into very fragile plants, and only one survived. 

Because I’d planted them in the same pot, I had no idea whether it was a jalapeño or habanero until the leaves became very very large – whereupon the InformationSuperhighway informed me they were the habaneros. This was probably the less ideal option because who knows what we’ll do with them?

Nonetheless, they survived the benign neglect of our vacation and are producing fruit! So exciting!

I still have no idea quite what to do with them. But I have a mind to try drying them. Will report back.