It’s quite the challenge coming up with things to photograph that make me happy that are not 1. kitties 2. food – the two fail-safe happy things that are (mostly) amenable to being in front of a camera. Well, kitties, food and Darling Harbour – so three things! Need to stretch self.
100 days of happiness: day eight – view from my bedroom. #100happydays #dayeight #view #window #sydney #city #innerwest #100daysofhappiness
100 days of happiness: day nine – hot date with Don. Sushi + sashimi deluxe platter at Rakuen Sushi. #nom #sushi #100daysofhappiness #daynine #innerwest #leichhardt #100happydays #japanese #hotdate
100 days of happiness: day ten – shimano cassette. #100daysofhappiness #dayten #cycling #bike #shimano #100happydays #notfrugal
100 days of happiness: day eleven – test pattern. Spotted on my way home from work, Darling Harbour. #100daysofhappiness #dayeleven #testpattern #art #100happydays #darlingharbour #iccsydney #sydney #rainbow #pyrmont
100 days of happiness: day twelve – meditation with headspace app & NewKitty. Let us not mention the ice-ing of the ankle. #100daysofhappiness #daytwelve #headspace #newkitty #100happydays
100 days of happiness: day thirteen – soothing garden on an insanely hot morning. #100daysofhappiness #daythirteen #100happydays #garden #darlingharbour #sydney #pyrmont #chinesegardenoffriendship #zen
100 days of happiness: day fourteen – comfort television after a stressful day. Feat. quite unnecessary sub-plot with exotic snakes. #midsomermurders #100daysofhappiness #dayfourteen #100happydays #stuffonmytelevision #workingfromhome