and a distressing eruption of bungalows*

I’ve managed to grab a couple of very poor photos of the baby/toddler hat after walking around ThePalace(OfLove) trying rather unsuccessfully to get some decent light.


triple hat

The resulting yarn is so thick that we’re on day 3 of blocking and it is still quite damp.

I’m really pleased with the fit and definitely plan to make another.


I had a wee bit of shopping to do on Monday, so briefly considered not visiting the park for my usual read. But I really couldn’t bear not to do so – so refreshing and helps my brain not to explode after a trying morning of dealing with my rather aggravating, bickering colleagues:




That $20 picnic blanket was the best purchase! I’m using it folded in half because it is a trifle too large – so maybe I should split it so there is less bulk to truck about?

Perhaps a job for the hols – I’m taking almost all of January off (hurrah!) and plan to spend my time doing loads of crafting, projects and such – and not being at SML.

**Miss Silver: Through the wall