old lady week: day four

The positive thing I did for myself today was lash out and buy myself a proper rug for park reading.

The “pashmina” just wasn’t cutting it in terms of protection from the sometimes damp ground, so this was $20 well spent – though it is a smidge too large.

In other news, I tried another, slightly further away, park yesterday because of the recent spate of people wandering up and begging for cash in Hyde Park. I’m definitely not unsympathetic, but it was getting a little aggressive and unpleasant. The new park was lovely, but the trees have a bit of growing to do. I was burnt, despite the liberal application of sunscreen.

tree of burning

Returned to Hyde Park today because it is closer and has more protection from the sun. I tried a new spot and yep, another request for cash.

Back to the new park I think. I just need to bring a hat.