old lady week: day one

I’ve decided that rather than locking myself in the cupboard rocking back and forth, I’m going to carpe the septimanam and do something positive/nice for myself each day of this birthday week.


A couple of years ago I was one of those people who laughed at the very idea of the concept of a “fun run”. How on earth could a run be fun? Past me was clearly an idiot, because running is the funnest thing ever.

As you’ll be aware, I’m kind of prone to injury and have really taken it easy this year. According to my stats, I’ve only run 5km four times this year in January, March, April and August and each time in well over 35 minutes. As part of getting my running groove back and to kick off my birthday week, I entered the balmain fun run 5km – which was today.

I caught the bus down to Rozelle, grabbed my bib and sat about, people watching and waiting for the start time. It was a gorgeous morning, not too hot and by run time it was thankfully cool and overcast.

My goals for the run were pretty achievable, or at least I hoped so: to run all the way and get a time under 40min.

I was only vaguely familiar with the route, it was a little more hilly than I remembered and contained quite a diversity of surfaces: grass, asphalt (in various states of disrepair), rocks/gravel, concrete. I didn’t bring the garmin and had my phone in its containment device, so really had no idea how my pace was or how far I had to go. This was actually pretty good as I just kind of had to roll with it and force myself not go too hard.

The people watching was excellent, highlights:
– lady with tartan compression pants (do want!)
– lady running in the 5km in jeans and flannelette (flannel) shirt
– dude running the 10km in thongs (flip-flops) – not some sort of primal running thongs, but like, havaianas
– primary school children running like little floppy gazelles – and blowing you out of the water
– 70 year old lady finishing the 10km in 64 minutes!

And I got an Ace! medal and orange quadrant zooper dooper for my efforts. Now I’m totes hyped up on sugar.

Official times haven’t been posted yet, but sports tracker says I did 32:23 – which is pretty pleasing. If true that makes it my fastest 5km time ever – previous was 32:33 in July 2013.

I’m definitely going back next year, it was really very well organised, great atmosphere, good course and lots of fun. Hopefully I’ll be in shape for the 10km – maybe I can kick that 70 year old lady’s butt.


And forgive me for showing off, but this is what just over a year of the 5:2 diet will do for you:

still need to work on those jiggly bits